Become Richer by Supporting Community Safety Zones!

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Study after study demonstrates that when Community Safety Zones are implemented in the villages, hamlets and sections of cities world wide, it has augmented local property values.

Community safety zones facilitate small but stalwart safety upgrades for everyone who enjoys the sanctity of their home, village or town.

That said, to bring such a highly acclaimed civil ordinance to fruition would require a fair degree of public participation and a good degree of civic forethought.

This policy relates to objectives, such as routinely trimming bushes and trees that continuously impede drivers sight lines at our intersections, or the implementation of solar powered radar speed signs around the community.

It additionally relies upon citizens to demonstrate community pride and altruism. By adhering to the philosophy espoused by Malcolm Gladwell (broken window syndrome). IE: Assisting your neighbour or friend in keeping the small aesthetic nuances of the village in order, when it may be difficult or unmanageable for them to do so.

The policy’s core is on reducing vehicular speed through the heart of the hamlets to 30 km per hour.

Studies continually reaffirm there is huge difference in personal gratification as the calming effect of mitigated vehicular speeds permeate through your neighbourhood.

Exactly how this is to be accomplished remains the million dollar question & varies from community to community.

Fortunately Caledon is blessed with a reoccurring locational theme. Most of her villages intersect with a north/south arterial road with some proximity to a water course and abandoned/refurbished rail lines (the Caledon Trailway since 1994).

Presumably the prescribed methodology would mimic to a degree what Cheltenham, Alton and Caledon East have already accomplished. (Alton is by far the blue ribbon winner!)

IE: Speed limits coming into the villages should all follow a simple repetitive pattern, that way it is common knowledge to all and beneficial to all.

Speeds on the open stretches would remain at 70 or 80 KM, dropping with ample (signage) warning to 50 KM, approximately 500 metres from the village limits, then slowing to 30 km through the actual settlement area.

Furthermore, having our trail & cross walks illuminated by fluorescent road painting, augmented by coordinated signage & perhaps automated light changes, would be a very helpful way to preserve life, while calming traffic. The trail crossings would in effect, become public gardens with conveniences.

Additionally, it is generally acknowledged by many an engineer or urban planner that installing lower speed mechanisms will expand the economic life and benefit of arterial and side roadways.

Perhaps more importantly, the advent of slower roadways results in fewer traffic accidents and certainly fatalities.

By slowing the speeds in the areas where we live and congregate, it permits all visitors and locals alike a greater opportunity to participate within our communities, something which could certainly be improved upon in villages such as Inglewood.

Making our communities safer means that they become more beautiful & appealing to live and visit.

During this challenging “new normal”, Urban Tourism will remain the lifeblood of every eatery, small and big retail and service industry throughout the headwaters area. Whatever affordable civic steps that can be taken toward a balance of physical and mental health should merit serious consideration.  Along with the economic well-being of the local economy, these points should take precedence.

If Community Safety zones are adopted by our municipal leaders. It may also help keep the doors of your favourite eatery, clothing, book or hardware stores open.

Hopefully these aforementioned points help illuminate our heart felt public participation in this political process.

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